Retired Pastor Dan

Retired Pastor Dan
Oak Hill, NY

Saturday, March 14, 2009

One Month Already?

It's been a month since I last posted, and a lot has happened since then. The biggest news is that our son Dan has returned from Haiti and is settling in here in Clintondale. It's great having him back!
Our church has been listening to the New Testament through a program called Faith Comes By Hearing, and it has been terrific. We use MP3 discs, players, CD's - acquired through the organization Faith Comes By Hearing to do the listening. There are a number of small groups in the church that meet weekly to discuss the segments we heard. I've been a student of the Bible for nearly forty-five years, and this process of listening has opened up a lot that I missed when I just read. I highly recommend the program - check it out at Faith
God has been pressing me closer to him through the Holy Spirit. I want to know Jesus more and more. I am tired of "business as usual." I want to see the move of the Holy Spirit here in Clintondale. There is nothing that I can do to make it happen, except put myself in position. The actual movement is up to God. It's not that nothing is happening or that our church is dead. Far from that - Clintondale Friends Christian Church is alive and well. But there is so much more that we can know about Jesus and his Kingdom. Come, Lord Jesus!! Come, Holy Spirit!! Your will be done, Father!!


Bill Samuel said...

I am interested in that experience. There is indeed something different about hearing the Word that doesn't seem to come by reading it.

Conservative Friends have a practice of Bible reading where Friends read scriptures to which they are led out of the silence, with no commentary. It is very powerful.

Kristine said...

Pastor Dan, I agree with you that our church isn't dead. I think we(myself included!) tend to get caught in a busyness trap. I want to keep encouraging others to read and study our Bibles. I encourage people to pray for wisdom and knowledge before reading the Bible, because God has certainly graciously granted me some. It was good to see Dan. God bless you.

Audio Bible said...

Pastor Dan,
Thanks for your encouraging words about the audio Bible listening program called You've Got The Time.
May God bless you.
'til all have heard,
Jon for FCBH