Retired Pastor Dan

Retired Pastor Dan
Oak Hill, NY

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Painting and Preaching

This morning we went back to the kid's house and painted some more. It was a hot morning, but inside the house there was often a breeze. Hannah, Mark, Choupe and I painted together. Since I am not a giant, I took the lower parts of the walls and let the others climb the ladders and make gigantic reaches to get the higher parts.

I stopped about 11:30 a.m. to get ready to go to the church to preach a third time. Danny had gone to Port au Prince, so I had another interpreter, Louisseul. He did a marvelous job! I spoke on the subject of the armor of God (Ephesians 6) and then tied it all back to Saturday's message on being a prayer center. After today's message we had a time of prayer. There were headaches, neck and back pain, bad knees, high blood pressure, persecution and bad eyes. After praying for them I reminded them that I had no power in myself to do anything; that any healing would be coming from God. And I encouraged them to step out in prayer. I was so blessed by the opportunity to minister to this wonderful congregation. May God bless Pastor Etienne and Eglise Assemblee des Croyonts en Jesus Christ!

The trip out to the church was difficult, because many of the roads had deep ruts and holes filled with water and mud. Haitian roads are rough by any measure, and bumpy. There are people walking, riding bikes and motorbikes and animals tied alongside the road or just out in the road. There is every kind of dwelling along the way, from rickety lean-to's to very elegant houses. The poverty of Haiti is evident and the people feel its pressures, but when one gets to meet the people and spend time with them they are full of joy and love.

This is my third trip to Haiti and I am hooked! I look forward to my next visit.

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