Retired Pastor Dan

Retired Pastor Dan
Oak Hill, NY

Saturday, September 8, 2007

A couple of very neat things happened today. One was attending a farewell party for a pastor and his wife who are retiring after thirty-five years of service in an area church. What an encouragement the pastor has been to me and he will be greatly missed. The party was a God-thing, a God-event. People from all over came - his current parishoners, former parishoners, those he had impacted - his children. It was really a family reunion of believers from this area, believers from all churches who turned out to honor the couple - and to recognize our indebtedness to God for all the wonderful things he gives to us through his Son Jesus Christ.

The other thing that happened was listening to and singing a new song - at least it is new to me. It is "In Your Presence O God" by Lynn DeShazzo. This is a terrific song that acknowledges where our strength and hope are - in the Presence of God. "That's where I belong" the songs says. That's where we all belong, in the Presence of God. As I've said over and again, it is not about religion, but relationship. It is about our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. And God's presence is so real, so compelling - so powerful!!

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