Retired Pastor Dan

Retired Pastor Dan
Oak Hill, NY

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barak Obama's Inauguration

I am writing just after Barak Obama has taken the oath of office as the 44th President of the United States. What a monumental event, the first African-American President in our history. While many may disagree with many of Obama's views (I am one) it is encouraging to see the peaceful transition of power and the very positive way that Obama began his presidency. His speech was wonderful. I pray that he can continue in the same spirit and bring the confidence and sense of responsibility that we need so desperately in this nation.

I was also glad to hear Rick Warren's invocation and Rev. Lowrie's benediction to open and close the ceremonies. And President Obama called upon God in his inaugural address. I believe that these references to God were genuine and that we are obligated to take them as genuine and continue calling upon God as we move forward as a people.

Our son has been living in Haiti for three years and Cheryl and I have visited Haiti on several occasions. Haiti is a very poor and disadvantaged country. I was particularly impressed with President Obama's reference to the poor. May our nation begin to take note of those in need and extend help without any motivation other than to be of help. May we end domination over those in need; may we cease to oppress but rather to help set free those who are being oppressed.

Those of us who believe in Jesus Christ need to call upon him daily to be given strength and wisdom for the days ahead. Barak Obama is inspirational, but he is not our savior. He may turn out to be a great leader, but the one we must put our trust in is Jesus Christ.

I believe that President Obama loves the Lord and, even though he has a number of political positons that I find abhorent, he has my prayers and my support as he seeks to lead. Americans can disagree on a number of issues, but we must agre on this: we are a nation dedicated to truth and freedom, and we depend upon divine guidance. We cannot tear each other up and apart, but rather join together as one people to seek the highest and best we can, depending upon God for his wisdom and strength.